Combining the immersion of the Metaverse with gamification mechanics, data and custom 3D assets The Circle Of Trust Metaverse enables the top echelon management at Unilever to evaluate brands based on their data usage. By engaging managers to play the Metaverse experience managers were disseminated the crucial knowledge of brand evaluation on the basis of Trust and Value depending on how the brand used consumer data in the real world. 
Risk and Compliances in Unilever's is a crucial function that mitigates risks and adds a layer of protection to large financial decisions of a mammoth company that is Unilever worldwide. But how could the R&C Dept. spread awareness and gamify its information dissemination? A powerpoint presentation would be way too tedious and boring. Could the answer lie in a fully-gamified experience using Unreal 5 and characters based on real world managers?
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